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Sunday, July 8, 2007

A quiet house

My home seems so quite now. The 3 princesses of the family have gone to stay at the seaside with their royal grandparents. The won't return home until later this month. I now hear every little noise this house makes; which is many more than I was aware of just 2 weeks prior.

I am kept busy through the days by entertaining Prince Bite & Screech. That mostly means bending over, and assisting him as he learns to walk. I had forgotten how painful that was. I have also come to notice that my name is not that of a typical parent, e.g., Mommy, but screech. He screeches, and I jump to attention. How sad is that?! His older sisters weren't screechers, so this is all new to me. I'm also not really sure how or when it happened. It seems to me that he began to screech about the time he started to get teeth. In this instance that was far too early in his young life. He is just 9 month old, and already has 10 teeth. I am giving him a lot of slack with this screeching bit, because I figure he is too young yet to understand the teething pain. But give him a few more months of this, and I may not be quite so sympathetic.

I have begun teaching the Prince sign language. I am fluent, or somewhat so, in American Sign Language, so I thought he should be too. I had previously taught the Princesses, but they can only recall their names, numbers, water or bathroom. Hopefully sign language will soon replace the screeching, and my ear drums will be happy again. I now wonder if I am suffering any hearing loss due to his shrills, which seemingly always occur right next to my ear. At least I can be happy that the Prince's screeches fill what otherwise would be VERY quiet days in this house.

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